types of access control system

Different Types of Access Control Systems

From protecting sensitive business documents and assets to safeguarding your property from intruders, access control systems are one of the best investments you can make in peace of mind. 

However, there are many different types of access control systems, and while each has its place, only one is right for you. This guide will help you pinpoint the optimal security solution based on your specific needs. Here’s a quick overview of the 4 most common styles:

  • Discretionary Access Control: Allows owners to decide who can access specific resources, providing flexibility and personalized security settings.
  • Mandatory Access Control: Enforces strict policies determined by a central authority, ideal for environments requiring high levels of security.
  • Role-Based Access Control: Assigns permissions based on the user’s role within the organization, simplifying management and enhancing security consistency.
  • Rule-Based Access Control: This system grants or denies access based on a set of predefined rules, typically used for automatic decision-making in large-scale systems.

No matter which solution aligns with your organization’s needs, you can rest assured Viking Fence is equipped to provide the protection you deserve. We’re the #1 choice for access control systems in Austin TX with more than 50 years of experience serving the great state of Texas.

So, get in touch today if you’re in the region and we’ll offer a personalized recommendation on which of these solutions is right for you. Otherwise, learn more about the different access control types below.

What is an Access Control System?

First things first – what is an access control system? This is a type of security technology that manages and regulates who or what can view or use resources in a computing environment. 

It is a fundamental concept in security that minimizes risk to the business or organization. Access control systems are built on three basic principles: identification, authentication, and authorization. Each plays a key role in protecting your premises and data.

Identification gathers user credentials in preparation for authentication, while authentication verifies the user’s identity by comparing their credentials to those stored in a database. 

Once the system confirms a user’s identity, authorization allows access to resources based on the user’s permissions, ensuring they can only access the data necessary for their roles.

These systems can be physical, designed to protect and control access to buildings and rooms, or logical, meant to limit connections to computer networks, system files, and data. You may need one or the other, or you might be better suited with a combination of digital and physical access control systems.

All of these solutions share a common goal of keeping sensitive information or environments accessible only to the right individuals. That being said, what are the different types of access control systems you have at your disposal?

What are the Types of Access Control Systems?

Choosing the ideal system can be overwhelming if you don’t have a solid grasp on the various options at your fingertips. There are four traditional types of systems with a new and intuitive solution becoming more and more common. We’ll unpack all five below.

Discretionary Access Control

Discretionary access control (DAC) is characterized by the owner or administrator of the protected system, data, or resource having the discretion to set the policies for accessing it. 

In DAC models, the owner determines who can access specific resources based on their identity. This type is most common in environments where low to moderate security is sufficient. 

However, DAC’s flexibility can also be a vulnerability. If not managed carefully, it can lead to permissions being granted improperly, making systems susceptible to breaches.

Mandatory Access Control

Mandatory access control (MAC) is more rigid and structured compared to DAC. In MAC systems, access policies are enforced by a central authority, not the owner of the information. 

This model is based on classifications and security labels to determine access rights. The system makes decisions based on these labels, not user identity. 

MAC is predominantly used in environments where security is paramount, such as military institutions or governmental agencies. Preserving the confidentiality and integrity of information is paramount in these environments.

Role-Based Access Control

As the name suggests, role-based access control (RBAC) limits access based on a user’s role within an organization. It’s one of the most common methods used in both administrative and corporate settings. 

In RBAC, permissions to access resources are grouped by role rather than assigned to individual users, simplifying the administration of security permissions. 

Users are assigned roles based on their responsibilities and the minimum necessary access they need to perform their jobs. This principle of least privilege reduces the risk of accidental or intentional misuse of systems.

Rule-Based Access Control

Rule-based access control operates under a model where the system administrator defines the rules that govern access to resources. 

These rules are often based on conditions, such as time of day or location. For instance, an access control system may block all access to a particular system outside of business hours. 

This type is frequently used in conjunction with other access control systems to provide an enhanced security framework that addresses specific operational requirements.

A Word on Biometric Systems

One of the most unique types of access control system is biometric security systems. These use unique physical characteristics, such as fingerprints, facial recognition, or iris scans, to identify and authenticate users. 

This type of system is highly secure because biometric data is impossible to replicate or forge. In physical security, biometric systems can control access to buildings, rooms, or sensitive areas, while in digital security, they help protect sensitive data by ensuring that only authorized personnel can access certain systems or information. 

The use of biometrics is growing in areas where security needs are high, as well as in consumer devices like smartphones and laptops.

Which of These Access Control Types is Right For You?

Each type of access control system offers different benefits and fits different security needs. Discretionary and role-based systems provide flexibility and are easier to manage in dynamic environments where changes are frequent. 

In contrast, mandatory and rule-based systems offer stricter controls and are suitable where security cannot be compromised. 

Biometric systems, while more expensive, offer a higher level of security and are becoming increasingly prevalent in both physical and information security contexts.

So, which is right for you? We’ll help you figure it out below as we walk you through key factors to consider before making the decision.

Assessing Security Needs

Just as with choosing between the different types of driveway gates, you need to begin by assessing your specific security needs. 

High-security areas, such as server rooms, R&D labs, or data centers, may require more stringent controls like biometric systems or MAC, which provide stronger security layers that are difficult to breach. For less sensitive areas, DAC or RBAC may offer adequate protection and easier management. 

Scalability and Flexibility

It’s important that you aren’t just choosing a system for today, but for the future. Assess whether the system can easily accommodate additional users, doors, or varying levels of security clearance without extensive modifications. 

As your business expands, your security system can extend to new offices or areas without the need for an entirely new setup. The system should also be compatible with different hardware and software upgrades and integrate seamlessly with new technologies as they emerge.

Budget Considerations

Chances are you already have some level of budget in mind for this investment – if not, you need to sit down and determine how much you’re willing to pay for peace of mind.

Initial costs can vary significantly depending on the technology – biometric systems tend to be more expensive than card reader systems, for example. 

However, you need to consider the long-term operational costs as well. Systems that are cheaper upfront might require more maintenance or quicker replacement. 

Evaluate the total cost of ownership, including installation, maintenance, and any necessary training to ensure the system stays operational. 

While the commercial security system cost can be daunting, remember that you’re paying for assurance that your organization is safe and protected. What price tag could you put on that? 

Other Security Measures to Consider

While you came here specifically for insights into the different types of access control systems, remember that this is just one piece of the security puzzle. Consider how the access control system will interact with other security systems such as security cameras and alarm systems. 

Also, consider the ease of monitoring and reporting capabilities of the access control system, as these can significantly enhance your ability to respond to and analyze security incidents.

Remember, whether you’re looking for the best access control system, the best commercial security camera system, or both, Viking Fence is your trusted partner in Texas. If you are ready to take the first step towards setting up your system or still have uncertainty as to which is right for you, get in touch today!

Partner With Viking Fence No Matter Which Access Control System Style You Need!

Viking Fence has helped homeowners and businesses alike protect their properties and enjoy peace of mind since 1972. We specialize in a wide variety of access control systems, including automatic gates, wireless intercoms, and more. 

Our customers choose us because we offer the best balance of quality products, installation expertise, and friendly customer service every step of the way. What more could you ask for? 

Unlike other providers in the region, we work with you from start to finish rather than outsourcing your project to a third party after making the sale. You’ll also enjoy our industry-leading warranties of up to 8 years on the equipment we install for you.

With options like solar panel cells, keypads, radio remotes, and magnetic lock systems, you can customize your security setup to fit your unique needs. 

But you don’t have to play the guessing game or stress about which type of system is right for you – you can reach out for one-on-one assistance in choosing the optimal solution!  

We aren’t just a fence company in Austin Texas either – you can partner with us whether you’re in Georgetown, Cedar Park, Pflugerville , Round Rock, San Antonio, or anywhere else within the Lone Star State.

So, what are you waiting for? It’s time to choose the perfect access control system and feel confident knowing it’s being installed by the trusted professionals at Viking Fence.  

Wrapping Up Our Guide to the Different Types of Access Control Systems

There you have it – everything you need to know about the different access control types. From the strict protocols of MAC to the customizable flexibility of RBAC and the advanced security of biometric systems, the right access control system enhances both the security and efficiency of your environment.

Hopefully, you feel more certain in which style is right for your specific organization. But if not, remember that help is just a click or call away at Viking Fence.

You can learn more about building a driveway gate, DIY commercial security systems, driveway gate prices, how to repair automatic gate, automatic gate troubleshooting, automatic gate repair cost, how to electrify a fence, how to install outdoor camera without drilling, and other related topics in our blog.

At this point, though, why not put the stress of security in the past for good? You can get peace of mind knowing you’re protected with the help of Viking Fence. Secure your premises with the ideal access control solution today!